welcome back to the not so x files (part 2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
there coming :o) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
As the sun rose over the 64 mustang Nikki woke up. Not sure of where she was the bottel of jack sliped out of her hand and reality set in. She lit a smoke and reached for the second not so x file. Shit she screamed realizing it wasent on the seat next to her. aaaaahhhhh screamed rick lifting up from the back seat scarring Nikki half to death. Dam you molder, she yelled if i had a gun i would Have blown your brains out. You scared me too damit he yelled and who the hell is molder? Never mind that she said pointing a finger at the two satelites. Rick turned around to see them. Wow he said, were here. We must have drove all night nikki. How do you know were here she said? Well look around its hot right ? Yes she said. And were in the desert right ? Get to the fu#*ing point she yelled. Ok damit theres those two satalite thingeys over there see. And i aways see those in space like alien movies. So we have to be close to Area 51. Good point she said and downed the last gulp of jack down. Lets find it she said. UUUMMM ok said rick. but were in the desert and you just drank the only thing that even resembeld water probally with in a 50 mile radieose you selfish bitch skully. Hey fuck you rick she said. And who the hell is Scully. Never mind he said moving up into the front seat to drive . | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SO BEGAN THE LONG ENDLESS TRIP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
At 106 miles an hour why in the hell did it feel like they were going 5 miles per hour. They had driven for over 6 hours and still everthing looked the same. The same sand,The same dam hills,and the same dam heat. Same dam dead body? He slamed on the brakes, skidding around 180 degrees, heading back the way they came from then skiddig to a haultat the site he saw it. Look he said pointing to the right at an empty desert landscape. Shit it was there a minute ago i swear.Look i know you dont see it nikki,but it was there. She looked at him with pitty and started to speakn "rick". No damit trust me on this one skully things cant always be explained scientifickley dam it .But rick she said. No he yelled again listen to me dam it, there was a body there when we past by here damit. I know i saw it. Finally she snaped, dam it "listen to me now" she yelled. You saw a dead body right ? Yes he said. And where was this body you saw. He pointed again, there he said, right there. ok she said what direction are you pointing.what he said i dont have a compass he said. You fu#*ing idiot she yelled right or left? Right he said. And what direction are we facing now? Suddenly it hit him, he looked to his left and saw the cactus that had fallin over oops never mind he screamed and punched the accellarator doing a perfect 180 and speeding off. what do you mean forget it she yelled and cold cocked him with a right cross. The car now squirming off the road into the dust of the off road. They were punching and fighting for controll of the steering wheel, and they burned the rest of the gas off spinning in a circle, fighting like dogs. The car came to a hult and the dust rose. Soon the reality of no gas, no road, no water, sunk in. "There" yelled Rick "are you happy now? Overcome by her intence anger and survival instinks. The thoughts started to cloud her brain. She thought to herself ( If i kill this mother fucker do you think his blood would make a good substitute for water. ) Then in a flash of anger she cold cocked him again. This time though she hit him so hard it knocked him out cold. Quickley she assesed the situation. Hmm "let me see" she said.Im in the middle of the desert. I have no food, gas, or water. And my partner is a complete fu@#ing idiot. The thoughts hit again ( kill ).. (Blood like water).. (Surviva,l) ( kill...kill.) Not realizing rick had regained conciencness. She realized she was thinking aloud. He cold cocked her ass streight the f@#k out. Dam he thought"nikki"s a vampire. How could i not have none that. Then his brain clicked. If shes a vampire then i must be one to. All i have too do is drink her blood. Evil thoughts flashed through his brain, and visions of vampires, in black and white movies he saw once, flashed befor his eyes. He thought no cape shit. He searched the car for a cloke or blanket, or any other thing that could searve as a cape. Dam it theres nothing he thought. How can i be a vampire with out a cape? he thought. Straped for ideas he put his hands in his pockets. Just Then he felt the minature surf board in his pocket. Wow he thought"( how did a minature surf board get in my pocket? Ever scence me and Nikki started these dam (not so x files). Strange s#*t has been happening. Then he extracted the surf board from his pocket. Dreams of tiny troll surfers paying him there pot of gold to ride on the magical surf board flashed throug his mind. Then the felling of disapointment that he always felt set in in like so many times before it had. He reached into his pocket to feel a dimond ring or a fat role of hundreds in a money clip. Only to find a beer tab and his keys wrapped around a piece of toilet paper that he used to wipe his nose. But this time the vision of the object he held, gave him new thoughts." AHHH " he thought a pocket knife. Perhaps could he use this greate invention to achieve his goal.OHH s#*T he thought, what was my goal again. Then the desert air wipped up enough sand to hit him as hard as nikkis slap. And he sprung awake." OHH yes im a vampire", and i must complete the cycle of.UUUMM? He looked around the desert. Thats it, i must suck a virgins blood. Looking around for a virgin he scaned everwhere, and diddent see s#*t. Dam he thought not a virgin in sight. Then he panned down on nikkis body. He suddenly remembered the old black and white vampire. He almost ran over right then, to start sucking sucking her blood. Then he realized how this had started. He needed a cape to suck her blood, Qwickley thinking, he went over and started slashing the vinal seating trying to cut a cape out of the vinal. seating As he tried and tried, the tiny pocket knife seemed to turn into a butter knife. He realized quickley that this was not working and he turned to suck her blood capeless. only to find face to face with nikki,who took her second knock out of the night, with a jack daniels bottle that she had seen before somewhere. She snaped back into reality though at the site of his flowing blood. Ohh my god molder" what have i done? |And who the hell is molder? She got scared and started running into the deasert. Visions of vampires ran through her head, all though she diddent know why. She quickley deduced that she was a vampire,and turned to kill molder or whoever the f#*k that was. She lost her ballence and fell in the pile of sh#t. Dam it she thought i hope that was a squishey road runner i just fell into. Just then the smell kicked in. that discusting sh*t smell she had smelled once or twice before. Once at the zoo. And once when her partner rick diddent brush his teeth for a few days. The smell threw her into a not so paranormal state of nasiea. and then the smell of of her pants finally reached her inner stomache.And she ran blindley twords molder, with tears of nauseia in her eyes she was blinded she started puking and running for 20 yards spraying jack daniels, beer, and beer nuts. She managed to spit the last of her up chuck on rick. Waking him up from the jackdaniels glass upside his head....:o) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
to be continued k :o) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Well dont you just love it when your | watching a cool show and the timers ticking down. And the shows ending and you know.... (you just know ) That there is not enough time to get a good conclusion left. Dam thats when i say the feeling hits you. You know, that feeling of ohhh shit,its a two parter you have to watch next weeks show. And who knows where we will be next week. I mean are we dam fourtune tellers or what? Dam i wish we were. I sure would Like to know what next weeks lottery numbers are know what i mean?? hey C-YA all K peace.......:o) PS... Scully not so x file 3 will be out soon ......luv ya xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo
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